Alabama Autism Providers​

Physicians, therapists, hospitals, mental health facilities, other care providers, with a specific focus on treating the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in children and adults, and located in the state of Alabama, USA. 

University of Alabama Autism Clinic

The University of Alabama (UA) Autism Spectrum Disorders Clinic provides support to individuals and families affected by Autism Spectrum Disorder and associated mental health concerns.The UA ASD Clinic provides interdisciplinary assessment including providers in psychology, speech/language pathology, and pediatrics to individuals across the lifespan. In addition the clinic provides speech/language therapy and counseling services to individuals in the community. Additionally, families can schedule one-time consultations to address specific topics (i.e., toilet training, preparing for an IEP meeting).

UAB Autism Spectrum Disorders Clinic

Located in Birmingham, AL, the faculty and staff at the Univesity of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) Civitan-Sparks Clinics offer a range of services focused on Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) to individuals, families, school personnel, and the community.

Glenwood Huntsville Outpatient Autism Clinic

The autism clinic at Glenwood provides diagnostic services to children suspected of having an Autism Spectrum Disorder, offers timely responses to families seeking assessment and support from professionals specifically trained in the area of child & adolescent development and mental health. 

Living On The Spectrum?
Review Available Resources

A clearing house of resourceful information specifically pertaining to individuals and their caregivers as related to ASD and other mental health conditions. 

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